5 Resolutions To Incorporate Into Your Fitness Routine From a Wilmington Chiropractor

5 Resolutions To Incorporate Into Your Fitness Routine From a Wilmington Chiropractor

Chiropractic Wilmington NC Rope Training

5 Resolutions To Incorporate Into Your Fitness Routine

Happy New Year! If your workout can use some improvement, now's a great time to start. Everyone's workout can use a little boost, so here are five of our favorite tips for enhancing your workout. Work them into your own resolutions beginning today!

Resolution 1: Try a New Workout

It's easy to follow a routine, but if you do the same workout every day, you'll get the same results. Change up your routine every month or two to avoid plateaus and see some real progress. Make a resolution to mix up these alternatives for a better workout:

  • Divide workouts into muscle groups
  • Do full body workouts
  • Alternate weights and body weight
  • Exercise neglected muscle groups

Resolution 2: Develop a Strategy

Walking through the gym trying out machines and eyeing the opposite sex is not the path to building muscle. You need a strategy for a better workout, starting with a goal. Do you want to lose flab, build shoulders, get lean and toned? Figure out a goal and then develop a strategy that will move you toward it. Work every muscle group every week, but beyond that, make a resolution to target a goal and work hard to make it happen.

Resolution 3: Use Cardio Wisely

Cardio is an important part of conditioning your body, but use it wisely for best results. It isn't necessary to do cardio to warm up before working out-a few easy reps of the exercise you will perform will warm that muscle group and you're good to go. Don't use up energy on cardio before your strength training. Instead, follow strength training with cardio or do cardio work at a different session. Resolve to use cardio wisely for a better workout.

Resolution 4: Double-check Your Form

We all think we've got it down, but a walk through any gym will turn up plenty of lifters who are using bad form that will not only yield bad results but may actually injure muscles. If you aren't 100 percent sure how to do an exercise, ask for help, or check out YouTube for videos. Pretty much everyone can benefit from going back and checking their form. This resolution may save you some pain down the road.

Resolution 5: Pump Up the Intensity

If you're dragging into the gym after a late night out, you're not bringing much to the workout and your results will show it. Make a resolution to reset and bring some new intensity to your game: A great attitude, a desire to lift, and showing up rested and ready. Try something new to energize you, like a partner, new tunes, or coffee. Get moving!

At King Chiropractic Hand & Foot, we also work hard to improve your athletic performance. For help with pain relief, improved range of motion, or other training needs, call King Chiropractic Hand & Foot in Wilmington today at (910) 777-7228. We're here to help improve your workout in the new year!

9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

King Chiropractic Hand & Foot

6934 Market St
Wilmington, NC 28411

(910) 777-7228