Active Release Technique in Wilmington NC from a Wilmington Chiropractor
Active Release Technique in Wilmington NC from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Active Release Technique in Wilmington NC
Instead of taking ibuprofen or muscle relaxers for temporary relief of shoulder and back pain, stiff knees, shin splints, plantar fasciitis and other musculoskeletal inflammation caused by muscle overuse, Dr. King in Wilmington recommends you opt for a more effective, drug-free treatment method called Active Release Technique.
What is Active Release Technique?
A patented, soft tissue treatment developed specifically to relieve muscle inflammation, muscle spasms and inflammatory pain, Active Release Technique involves Dr. King using his hands to assess the tightness, texture and spastic activity of your muscles, ligaments and tendons. Abnormalities detected in tissues are then addressed by coordinating specific movements performed by the patient with precisely controlled pressure techniques applied by Dr. King.
Active Release Technique incorporates 500 different moves to identify and remedy musculoskeletal issues that uniquely affect each patients. Soft tissues and muscles that have been strained and overused exhibit negative changes involving tears, pulls, microtraumas (build-up of smaller tears) and hypoxia.
One or more of these conditions promotes the accumulation of dense, tough scar tissue binds, constricts and weakens tissues so that moving freely and painlessly becomes impossible. Additionally, trapped nerves typically exacerbate weakness while causing more pain, numbness and tingling in the affected tissues.
Who Benefits from Active Release Technique?
Active Release Technique can help anyone who has been unable to find relief though traditional treatments and therapies often prescribed by physicians who do not specialize in musculoskeletal conditions. Professional and recreational athletes as well as those suffering chronic pain syndromes can find relief from pain and stiffness by taking advantage of Dr. King's ability to use biomechanical analysis to determine which tissues are suffering repeated injuries and dramatically reverse damage to those areas.
Find Out More About Active Release Technique in Wilmington NC
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9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
King Chiropractic Hand & Foot
6934 Market St
Wilmington, NC 28411